SAG-AFTRA, VA'nın Haklarına Yönelik Bir Saldırıyı Daha Tehdit Ederken Yapay Zeka Sesi Odaklanıyor

Yazar : Ryan Dec 24,2024

AI Voice Acting in Focus as SAG-AFTRA Threatens Another Strike For VA's RightsThe video game industry faces potential upheaval as SAG-AFTRA, the union representing voice actors and performers, has authorized a strike against major game developers. This article explores the ongoing dispute over fair labor practices and the ethical implications of artificial intelligence in the industry.

SAG-AFTRA Authorizes Strike Against Video Game Companies

SAG-AFTRA's Announcement

On July 20th, the SAG-AFTRA National Board voted unanimously to authorize a strike against companies bound by the Interactive Media Agreement (IMA). This empowers the union's leadership to call a strike if negotiations fail. The key sticking point is securing robust AI protections for performers.

National Executive Director Duncan Crabtree-Ireland highlighted the union's unwavering commitment, stating that the overwhelming support (over 98%) for strike authorization underscores the urgency for fair AI provisions and adequate compensation for actors whose work is central to the success of popular video games. The deadline for a resolution is fast approaching.

Key Issues and Industry Impact

AI Voice Acting in Focus as SAG-AFTRA Threatens Another Strike For VA's RightsThe primary concern is the unregulated use of AI in voice acting and motion capture. Currently, there are no safeguards against AI replication of actors' likenesses. SAG-AFTRA seeks compensation for AI usage and clear guidelines on its implementation. Beyond AI concerns, the union is also seeking fair wage increases to match inflation (11% retroactive pay and 4% increases for the following two years), improved on-set safety measures (including mandatory rest breaks and on-site medics), and protection against vocal strain.

A strike's impact on video game development is uncertain. Unlike film and television, the lengthy development cycles of video games could mean that while production might slow, major release delays may be less immediate.

Companies Involved and Their Responses

The potential strike targets ten major companies:

⚫︎ Activision Productions Inc.
⚫︎ Blindlight LLC
⚫︎ Disney Character Voices Inc.
⚫︎ Electronic Arts Productions Inc.
⚫︎ Epic Games, Inc.
⚫︎ Formosa Interactive LLC
⚫︎ Insomniac Games Inc.
⚫︎ Take 2 Productions Inc.
⚫︎ VoiceWorks Productions Inc.
⚫︎ WB Games Inc.

Epic Games has publicly supported SAG-AFTRA's position, but other companies remain silent.

Müzakere Geçmişi ve Arka Planı

AI Voice Acting in Focus as SAG-AFTRA Threatens Another Strike For VA's RightsÇatışmanın kökleri, SAG-AFTRA üyelerinin sözleşme müzakereleri başlamadan önce ezici bir çoğunlukla greve izin verdiği Eylül 2023'te yatıyor. Kasım 2022'de süresi dolan önceki sözleşmenin uzatılmasına rağmen müzakereler durdu.

Mevcut anlaşmazlık, benzer konulara odaklanan 2016'daki 340 gün süren grevi hatırlatıyor. Daha sonra Replica Studios ile yapılan ve yapay zekaya ses lisansı verilmesine izin veren bir anlaşma, sendika içi gerginlikleri ateşledi ve durumu daha da karmaşık hale getirdi.

AI Voice Acting in Focus as SAG-AFTRA Threatens Another Strike For VA's RightsBu ​​potansiyel grev, oyun sektörünün gelişen ortamında adil iş gücü uygulamalarına duyulan hayati ihtiyacın altını çiziyor. Sonuç, performans yakalama ve video oyunu oyuncularına yönelik muamelede yapay zekanın geleceğini şekillendirecek. İnsan yaratıcılığını korumak ve yapay zekanın insan yeteneğinin yerini almak yerine geliştirmesini sağlamak çok önemlidir. Yüksek riskler hızlı ve adil bir çözüm gerektirir.

AI Voice Acting in Focus as SAG-AFTRA Threatens Another Strike For VA's Rights