Fisch Ancient Isle Bestiary Guide

Author : Joseph Jan 25,2025

Unlocking the Secrets of Fisch's Ancient Isle Bestiary: A Comprehensive Guide

Fisch's diverse locations each boast unique fish, but none rival the Ancient Isle. This guide unveils the secrets of this prehistoric fishing paradise, home to ancient sea creatures and mysterious fragments in this Roblox fishing simulator.

Navigating the Perils of Ancient Isle

Reaching Ancient Isle is straightforward; it's visible from the open sea, though slightly distant from other locations. However, caution is advised! A hazardous zone surrounds the island, teeming with gunpowder barrels, spikes, and perilous whirlpools. Barrels and spikes damage your ship, while whirlpools instantly destroy it. Careful navigation is key to survival.

Exploring the Ancient Isle's Aquatic Inhabitants

The Ancient Isle is teeming with rare and challenging-to-catch ancient fish species. Beyond the thrill of the catch, you'll also discover crafting items and Fragments crucial for unlocking the Ancient Archives. Complete the bestiary for 100% completion!

Ancient Isle Fish Checklist

Fish Rarity Season Weather Time Bait
Piranha Common Winter/Spring Any Any Squid
Cladoselache Common Any Any Day Worm
Anomalocaris Uncommon Any Any Night Minnow
Onychodus Uncommon Any Any Night Any
Starfish Uncommon Summer Any Any Any
Hyneria Unusual Spring Foggy Any Any
Acanthodii Unusual Winter Any Any Any
Xiphactinus Unusual Winter/Autumn Any Night Fish Head
Cobia Rare Autumn/Summer Any Any Insect
Hallucigenia Rare Autumn Rain Day Flakes
Ginsu Shark Legendary Summer Any Night Fish Head
Leedsichthys Legendary Any Foggy Day Squid
Floppy Legendary Autumn Any Any Super Flakes
Dunkleosteus Legendary Any Any Day Minnow
Mosasaurus Mythical Any Foggy Night Truffle Worm
Helicoprion Mythical Any Clear Any Squid
Ancient Megalodon Exotic Any Any Any Shark Head
Megalodon Exotic Any Any Any Shark Head
Phantom Megalodon Limited Any Any Any Shark Head

Ancient Isle Fragment Locations

Fragment Acquisition Method
Ancient Fragment Found throughout Ancient Isle waters.
Solar Fragment Found atop Ancient Isle during Eclipse events.
Deep Sea Fragment Found beneath the Ancient Isle waterfall.
Earth Fragment Found within the Ancient Isle cave.

Ancient Isle Crafting Items

Item Rarity Acquisition Method
Meg's Spine Mythical Found throughout Ancient Isle waters.
Meg's Fang Mythical Found throughout Ancient Isle waters.
Moonstone Gemstone Found at the Meteor crash site.
Lapis Lazuli Gemstone Found at the Meteor crash site.
Amethyst Gemstone Found at the Meteor crash site.
Ruby Gemstone Found at the Meteor crash site.
Opal Gemstone Found at the Meteor crash site.

This comprehensive guide equips you to conquer the Ancient Isle and complete its challenging bestiary. Happy fishing!