Disney Mirrorverse Ends Service This Year
Disney Mirrorverse, the mobile game that brought together an epic mashup of Disney and Pixar characters in a brand-new universe, has announced its EOS. Kabam, the company behind the game, just announced that they’ll be pulling the plug on December 16th, 2024.As of today, the game has already been pulled from the Google Play Store. All in-app purchases have been shut down as well. If you’re someone who plays the game, you’ve got about three more months to play before the servers go dark.Did You Ever Play It?Disney Mirrorverse launched back in June 2022. It’s an action RPG where you fight alongside reimagined versions of popular Disney and Pixar characters. If you’re still playing, Kabam suggests finishing up the final storyline before the game disappears forever.When the game was first announced, there was a lot of excitement, especially among Disney fans. But the two-year early access beta and the lack of consistent content updates made it hard to keep most of the players engaged.And So, Disney Mirrorverse EOS Was Announced!The game actually never quite lived up to its potential. Its grind-heavy shard collection system made it tough to max out characters unless you were willing to spend a lot of cash. But the game has incredible character designs, both in terms of creativity and graphics.And you know what makes the Disney Mirrorverse EOS announcement sting even more? The fact that just a week ago, Kabam had rolled out new story content and added Cinderella as a playable character.The sudden EOS announcement so soon after that update caught a lot of Disney Mirrorverse players by surprise. But at the same time, this isn’t the first time Kabam has pulled the plug on a title. Last year, they shut down Transformers: Forged to Fight all of a sudden. And before that, a spin-off of their hit game Marvel Contest of Champions got the axe too.So, what’s your thoughts on the Disney Mirrorverse EOS? Comment and let us know. And before leaving, read our scoop on Zombies In Conflict Of Nations: World War 3 Season 15!