口袋妖怪TCG口袋Lapras EX完整活動指南

作者 : Gabriella Feb 27,2025

口袋妖怪TCG口袋Lapras EX完整活動指南

PokémonTCG口袋 Lapras ex drop活動:綜合指南

PokémonTCGPocket不斷擴大其卡片收集,並通過引入新鮮版本和卡片的新活動。本指南涵蓋了Lapras Ex Drop事件所需的一切。


Lapras Ex Drop活動從11月5日至11月18日上午12:59舉行。玩家可以參加新卡版本和Lapras Ex的特殊戰鬥。額外的獎勵包括包裝沙漏,用於打開更多的助推器包。


確保您的 PokémonTCGPocket 應用程序已更新。導航到戰鬥選項卡,選擇獨奏,然後選擇“ Lapras Ex Drop事件”類別。使用拉普拉斯前甲板的四場AI戰鬥正在等待。每場戰鬥都通過反複的比賽提供了首先清晰的機會獎勵。



LevelCards in DeckChallengesRewards
BeginnerPidgey x2, Swanna, Ducklett, Lapras x2, Staryu x2, Goldeen x2, Horsea, Seadra, Krabby, Tentacool, Poliwag, PoliwhirlKO opponent's Active Pokémon once with a Lightning-type attack; Put 3 Basic Pokémon into play.First Clear: Pack Hourglass x2, Shinedust x50, Shop Ticket x1, 25 XP; Chance: Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1, Shinedust x25, Shop Ticket x1
IntermediatePokedex x2, Professor’s Research x2, Poke Ball x2, Doduo x2, Dodrio, Lapras x2, Staryu x2, Starmie, Goldeen x2, Seaking, Poliwag, Poliwhirl x2KO opponent's Active Pokémon twice with a Lightning-type attack; Put 1 Stage 1 Pokémon into play; Win by turn 14.First Clear: Pack Hourglass x4, Shinedust x100, Shop Ticket x1, 50 XP; Chance: Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1, Shinedust x25, Shop Ticket x1
AdvancedProfessor’s Research x2, Poke Ball x2, Potion, Lapras EX, Doduo x2, Dodrio x2, Lapras x2, Staryu x2, Starmie x2, Goldeen x2, Seaking x2Win 5+ battles; Win using a deck with only 1, 2, or 3-diamond rarity Pokémon; Win by turn 14; Win without opponent scoring points.First Clear: Pack Hourglass x6, Shinedust x150, Shop Ticket x1, 75 XP; Chance: Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1, Shinedust x25, Shop Ticket x1
ExpertProfessor’s Research x2, Poke Ball x2, X Speed x2, Potion x2, Sabrina, Misty, Lapras EX x2, Staryu x2, Starmie EX x2, Psyduck x2, Golduck x2Win using a deck with only 1, 2, or 3-diamond rarity Pokémon; Win by turn 12; Win without opponent scoring points; Win 10+ battles; Win 20+ battles.First Clear: Pack Hourglass x8, Shinedust x200, Shop Ticket x1, 100 XP; Chance: Promo Pack A Series Vol. 1, Shinedust x25, Shop Ticket x1





Pikachu ex甲板非常有效,因為在此事件中,雷擊對水型神奇寶貝造成了額外的損害。考慮替換具有少數罕見選擇(Helioptile/Heliolisk或Magnemite/Magneton)的EX卡以滿足挑戰要求。


促銷包每張卡包含一張卡:Mankey,Pikachu,Clefairy,Butterefree和Lapras Ex(除Lapras Ex以外的每張新版本,這是一個新卡)。 Lapras EX具有140 hp,氣泡排水攻擊(80損傷,20 hp Heal),撤退成本為3。