Unlock exclusive deals and discounts with the TeaPlus app! Become a member of our free loyalty program and start earning points by uploading receipts or referring friends. Enjoy easy registration and receive alerts for limited-time promotions, ensuring you never miss out on special offers and prizes. Conveniently locate nearby TeaPlus stores, browse our menu, and connect with us on Instagram – all within one app. Don't delay – download the TeaPlus app today and enhance your tea-drinking experience!
TeaPlus App Features:
⭐ Loyalty Program: Earn points through various activities and redeem them for rewards and prizes. ⭐ Store Locator: Easily find nearby TeaPlus locations. ⭐ Menu: Explore our menu and discover new drinks and flavors. ⭐ Instagram Integration: Stay connected with TeaPlus on social media. ⭐ About Us: Learn more about our brand and values. ⭐ Messaging & Contact: Receive updates and easily contact TeaPlus.
In short: The TeaPlus app is your all-in-one digital rewards program. Earn rewards, find new locations, explore the menu, connect on social media, and receive brand updates. Join the free TeaPlus Bonus Club today for exclusive benefits and discounts! Download the app now to start earning!