WoW: Plunderstorm Features and Abilities Unveiled
World of Warcraft's Plunderstorm Returns with Enhanced Features and Rewards
Plunderstorm, World of Warcraft's pirate-themed battle royale, has returned, bringing with it a host of exciting new features and quality-of-life improvements. While the end date remains unannounced, players can anticipate at least a month of swashbuckling action in the Arathi Highlands.
This iteration of Plunderstorm boasts significant enhancements. The battlefield features revamped points of interest and respawning non-elite enemies, ensuring a constant supply of loot. Fast travel horses expedite exploration, allowing players to quickly reach chests, elite enemies, and opponents. A new map overlay displays zone threat levels based on combat frequency, and players can now select their starting deployment zone.
New Plunderstorm Features:
- Revamped Points of Interest
- Respawning Non-Elite Enemies
- Fast Travel Horses
- Zone Threat Indicators on the Map
- Selectable Deployment Zones
- Practice Lobby
- Plunderstore with New and Returning Rewards
- Access from World of Warcraft: The War Within Characters
- New Abilities:
- Offensive: Aura of Zealotry (passive speed buff, consecrate area-of-effect damage and ally buff), Celestial Barrage (long-range, chargeable line attack).
- Utility: Call Galefeather (summon an eagle to knock back enemies), Void Tear (teleport to a marked point, damaging and slowing enemies).
- Ability Balance Changes (adjustments to Earthbreaker, Slicing Winds, Star Bomb, Storm Archon, and Toxic Smackerel cooldowns).
The Plunderstore, accessible from the Practice Lobby, login screen, and the retail WoW PvP interface, offers a range of rewards. The Practice Lobby itself provides a space for players to experiment with abilities, adjust keybindings, and socialize.
One notable omission is the three-person Trios mode from the previous iteration. The reason for its absence remains unclear, but players hope for its return before Plunderstorm's eventual departure.