World of Warcraft Fans Discover The War Within Login Screen
World of Warcraft fans have officially discovered the login screen for The War Within. Though it hasn’t been officially implemented in the beta and could be changed before release, World of Warcraft players now have a glimpse at what they will likely see when logging in during The War Within.
Every time players log in to World of Warcraft for the approximately two years an expansion is live, fans are greeted by a unique login screen. This fact alone has solidified all of these screens as some of the most recognizable images in World of Warcraft history.
Now, World of Warcraft fans have finally gotten a first look at the login screen for The War Within. As of the most recent build of the beta for World of Warcraft: The War Within, a new login screen featuring a rotating ring surrounding the crackling crust found on the expansion’s logo was discovered. This new image has not been added to the actual login screen yet, indicating it could receive changes before it is officially implemented, but fans now have a preview of what they will see when they log in during The War Within, thanks to game developer and World of Warcraft addon builder Ghost, who shared it on Twitter.
World of Warcraft: The War Within Login Screen
This new login screen from The War Within breaks a few traditions from previous World of Warcraft expansions. Every other login screen features a gate, archway, or other similar structure in it. While the ring of Earthen architecture is somewhat gate-like, it does not appear to be an in-game location like all of its predecessors were.
Every World of Warcraft Login Screen In Chronological Order
Vanilla – The Dark Portal (Azeroth) The Burning Crusade – The Dark Portal (Outland) Wrath of the Lich King – Gate of Icecrown Citadel Cataclysm – Gate of Stormwind Mists of Pandaria – Twin Monoliths in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms Warlods of Draenor – Dark Portal (Draenor) Legion – Burning Legion gate Battle for Azeroth – Gate of Lordaeron Shadowlands – Gate of Icecrown Citadel DragonFlight – Tyrhold arches in Valdrakken
So far, fans are divided on this new login screen. Many players enjoy its simplicity and believe the screen will allow for a cohesive theme during the rest of the Worldsoul Saga in World of Warcraft. Some also pointed out that it bore a striking resemblance to the Hearthstone main menu, and got a kick out of these similarities between them.
That said, there are a lot of players who aren’t happy with The War Within’s new login screen as it is now. These fans believe it to be somewhat plain and don’t find it as eye-catching as previous login screens. Similarly, they are sad to see the gateway tradition set by World of Warcraft’s last two decades seemingly come to an end in this expansion. That said, World of Warcraft: The War Within releases on August 26, so it could still change between now and then.