Regional Pokémon in Pokémon GO: Where to Catch Them

Author : Scarlett Mar 17,2025

Embark on a global Pokémon adventure! Many Pokémon in the game are region-exclusive, meaning you'll need to travel to specific parts of the world to catch them. While initially there was just a handful, the number of regional Pokémon has blossomed into a sizable collection. This guide will introduce you to these unique creatures and reveal their locations.

Table of Contents

  • What are Regional Pokémon?
  • Generation One
  • Generation Two
  • Generation Three
  • Generation Four
  • Generation Five
  • Generation Six
  • Generation Seven
  • Generation Eight
  • Comments

What are Regional Pokémon?

Regional Pokémon are creatures tied to specific geographic locations. Catching them requires venturing to different countries or continents, making the game a truly global experience that connects players with shared interests. Due to the sheer number of regional Pokémon and their diverse habitats, a comprehensive map is impossible. Instead, we've organized them chronologically by generation.

Generation One

Generation One pokemon go

Generation One Pokémon are relatively widespread, often found in populated areas like shopping centers, halls, and cinemas.

Mr. MimeEurope
Farfetch'dJapan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong

Generation Two

Generation Two pokemon go

Generation Two Pokémon inhabit less common areas than their predecessors. While fewer in number than Gen I or III, finding some, like Corsola, requires specific environmental conditions.

HeracrossCentral and South American regions
CorsolaTropical coastal areas between 31° North and 26° South latitude

Generation Three

Generation Three pokemon go

A global quest awaits! Generation Three Pokémon are scattered worldwide, making a world tour almost essential for completion. However, the majority reside in North and South America, and most don't require specific environmental conditions.

VolbeatEurope, Asia, Australia
IllumiseAmerica and Africa
LunatoneWestern Hemisphere (West of Greenwich Meridian)
SolrockEastern Hemisphere (East of Greenwich Meridian)
SeviperAmerica and Africa
RelicanthNew Zealand and adjacent islands
TropiusAfrica, Middle East
TorkoalWestern Asia, Southeast Asia

Generation Four

Generation Four pokemon go

While smaller than Generation Three, this list still holds exciting finds. Many are concentrated in Europe, simplifying your search. Their tendency to inhabit populated areas further narrows the hunting grounds.

CarnivineUSA (Southeast)
PachirisuAlaska, Canada, Russia
Mime Jr.Europe
MespritEurope, Africa, Asia, Middle East
AzelfNorth and South America, Greenland
ChatotSouthern Hemisphere
ShellosPink: Western Hemisphere; Blue: Eastern Hemisphere

Generation Five

Generation Five pokemon go

Generation Five Pokémon showcase a diverse range of habitats, extending to locations like Egypt and Greece. The varied types and locations make this generation a truly global challenge.

ThrohNorth and South America, Africa
PansearEurope, Middle East, India, Africa
MaractusMexico, Central and South America
PanpourNorth and South America, Greenland
BouffalantNew York
PansageAsia-Pacific Region
HeatmorEurope, Asia, Australia
DurantNorth and South America, Africa
BasculinRed: Eastern Hemisphere; Blue: Western Hemisphere
SawkEurope, Asia, Australia
SigilyphEgypt, Greece

Generation Six

Generation Six pokemon go

Generation Six features a smaller number of regional Pokémon than Generation Five. These creatures are scattered across the globe, requiring targeted travel to complete your collection.

Furfrou (Debutante)America
Furfrou (Diamond)Europe, Middle East, Africa
Furfrou (Star)Asia-Pacific
Furfrou (La Reine)France
Furfrou (Kabuki)Japan
Furfrou (Pharaoh)Egypt
FlabebeEurope, Middle East, Africa
KlefkiVarious locations in Europe

Generation Seven

Generation Seven pokemon go

These Pokémon are true globetrotters! Generation Seven offers a diverse range of locations, ensuring that no matter your travel plans, you're likely to encounter one of these fascinating creatures.

StakatakaEastern Hemisphere
BlacephalonWestern Hemisphere
OricorioEurope, Middle East, Africa, America, Pacific and Caribbean Islands
CelesteelaSouthern Hemisphere
KartanaNorthern Hemisphere

Generation Eight

Generation Eight pokemon go

Generation Eight introduces only Stonjourner. To add this unique Pokémon to your collection, explore the United Kingdom's countryside.

We hope this guide helps you on your quest to catch every regional Pokémon! Share your experiences in the comments below!