Pokémon Go’s Steeled Resolve event brings the debut of several Galar region Pokémon
Pokémon Go's Steeled Resolve Event: New Pokémon, Raids, and More!
Get ready for the Steeled Resolve event in Pokémon Go, running from January 21st to 26th! This event introduces a host of exciting new features and challenges.
New Pokémon Debuts: Rookidee, Corvisquire, and Corviknight, hailing from the Galar region, make their Pokémon Go debut. Prepare for exciting new catches!
Dual Destiny Special Research: A new chapter of the Dual Destiny Special Research begins alongside the event. Complete tasks to earn valuable rewards such as Fast and Charged TMs, and a Lucky Egg. This free research is available until March 4th.
Enhanced Encounters: Magnetic Lure Modules will attract Onix, Beldum, and the new Rookidee. Shadow Pokémon can now forget Frustration using a Charged TM. Wild encounters include Clefairy, Machop, and Paldean Wooper.
Raids and Mega Raids: The event features a diverse range of one-star and five-star raids, featuring Pokémon like Lickitung, Skorupi, and various Deoxys forms. Mega Gallade and Mega Medicham will lead the Mega Raids.
Egg Hatching: Shieldon and Rookidee will be hatching from eggs during the event.
Research Tasks: Complete event-themed Field Research for item and encounter rewards. A Timed Research (priced at $5) offers bonuses like 2x Hatch Stardust and encounters with Galarian Weezing and Clodsire.
Go Battle Week: Dual Destiny: This concurrent event offers 4x Stardust from win rewards and increased daily battle sets. The Great and Ultra Leagues will be active.
Don't miss out on this action-packed event! Prepare for challenging battles, exciting catches, and valuable rewards.