‘Monster Hunter Now’ Season 3 To Add Magnamalo, Heavy Bowgun Weapon, Cooking, and More on September 11th
TouchArcade Rating: Niantic and Capcom have unveiled the next significant update for Monster Hunter Now (Free). Season 3, titled "Curse of the Wandering Flames," introduces Magnamalo, the first original monster from Monster Hunter Rise, to the Monster Hunter Now lineup. Joining Magnamalo are two other formidable foes: Rajang (a personal favorite!) and Aknosom. This update also introduces a new weapon – the Heavy Bowgun – and adds the much-anticipated cooking mechanic. I'm particularly excited to see how Magnamalo and Rajang translate into the Monster Hunter Now experience, having enjoyed hunting them extensively in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (for Rajang). See Magnamalo's Monster Hunter Now artwork below:
Here's a sneak peek at some of the new gear:
For newcomers or returning players, I've compiled a comprehensive guide covering tips and tricks, weapon details, special skills, a current monster roster, my wishlist for future additions, and more. Download Monster Hunter Now on the App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android. In-app purchases offer various gem packs and upgrades. Visit the official website for more information. What are your thoughts on the game's current state, and are you anticipating Teostra's arrival next month?