Hex-Crawling City Builder Hits Mobile Soon
As Far As The Eye, a hex-crawling 4X city-builder, arrives on iOS and Android March 5th. Imagine carrying your entire village—on the back of a giant animal! This unique game casts you as a nomadic tribe leader, navigating a fantasy world and escaping a relentless wave.
Your mobile village demands increasing resources, forcing you to confront obstacles and unpredictable events as you journey towards The Eye, the world's center. Gather supplies along the way, but always remember the wave is hot on your heels. Make tough choices and forge alliances (or enemies) as needed.
While the ever-approaching wave presents a constant challenge, As Far As The Eye offers a surprisingly peaceful experience, balancing resource management with a sense of looming disaster. The roguelike tribe system ensures replayability, offering fresh challenges with each playthrough.
As Far As The Eye is a significant release, but if you're looking for more unique gaming experiences, explore our latest Off The AppStore entry for hidden gems you might have missed on mainstream platforms.