Elite Pocket Monster Squads for Fantasy Cup Dominance

Author : Caleb Feb 11,2025

The Pokémon GO Battle League's Dual Destiny Season introduces exciting specialized cups, demanding strategic team building. The Fantasy Cup, running from December 3rd to 17th, presents a unique challenge: Pokémon must be 1500 CP or less and be Dragon, Steel, or Fairy type.

This guide helps you craft a winning team.

Fantasy Cup Team Building Strategies

The Fantasy Cup's type restrictions create both limitations and opportunities. Steel-types are advantageous due to their lack of inherent weaknesses to the other allowed types. However, a balanced team is crucial, considering the strengths and weaknesses within the allowed types. Dual-typed Pokémon, especially those with Ground-type moves to counter Steel, or Poison-type moves to counter Fairy, are highly valuable.

Suggested Team Combos

Here are three sample team combinations, highlighting diverse type coverage and strategic synergy:

Team 1: Balanced Type Coverage

Azumarill AzumarillWater/Fairy
Alolan Dugtrio Alolan DugtrioGround/Steel
Galarian Weezing Galarian WeezingPoison/Steel

This team offers broad type coverage, countering Dragon, Steel, and Fairy types effectively. Azumarill provides strong offense, while Alolan Dugtrio and Galarian Weezing offer strategic counters.

Team 2: Steel-Type Focus

excadrill ExcadrillGround/Steel
Alolan Sandslash Pokemon Alolan SandslashIce/Steel
heatran HeatranFire/Steel

This team prioritizes Steel-type Pokémon with varied secondary typings for broader coverage. Excadrill's popularity makes it a strong contender. Heatran adds fire power, but be mindful of Water-type counters.

Team 3: Powerhouse Offense with Coverage

melmetal MelmetalSteel
Wigglytuff Pokemon WigglytuffFairy/Normal
turtonator TurtonatorFire/Dragon

This team balances Melmetal's offensive power with Wigglytuff's coverage and Turtonator's Dragon-type presence.

Remember to assess your available Pokémon within the CP and type limits before finalizing your team. Experiment and adapt your strategy throughout the two-week cup duration to maximize your chances of victory.