Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC: A Controversial Masterpiece? The release of Elden Ring's highly anticipated expansion, Shadow of the Erdtree, sparked a heated debate online. Many players, both seasoned veterans and newcomers, voiced concerns about its extreme difficulty, particularly regard
Dec 19,2024
《Slitterhead》或将成为一款独具匠心的恐怖动作游戏,但可能略显粗糙 沉默之丘之父外山圭一郎为其新作恐怖动作游戏《Slitterhead》定下了独特的基调。继续阅读,了解他的评论,以及他为何称《Slitterhead》是一款虽“略显粗糙”,但却新颖原创的游戏。 《Slitterhead》是外山圭一郎自2008年《Siren》以来首款恐怖游戏 由《沉默之丘》之父外山圭一郎打造的全新动作恐怖游戏《Slitterhead》将于11月8日发售——尽管外山本人在最近的一次采访中承认,游戏可能感觉“略显粗糙”。 “从第一部《沉默之丘》开始,我们就一直致力于保持游戏的创新和原创性,即使这意味着游
Dec 19,2024
Master Fortnite: Beyond Kills – 10 Challenges to Conquer! Forget simply racking up kills; true Fortnite mastery demands more. This article presents ten unique challenges to elevate your gameplay and test your skills beyond the typical battle royale experience. No-Build Survival: Ditch the buildi
Dec 19,2024
Bungie released Destiny 2 update, addressing various community-reported issues and implementing significant changes. While recent updates like Into the Light and the The Final Shape expansion have boosted the game's popularity, some problems persisted, including a blocker preventing Khvosto
Dec 19,2024
Diablo 4 Season 5 may bring a legendary crossover: Frostmourne, the Lich King's iconic World of Warcraft weapon! Data miners exploring the Season 5 Public Test Realm (PTR) have uncovered models strongly resembling this fearsome blade, hinting at its potential inclusion in the upcoming August update
Dec 19,2024
Epic Cards Battle 3: A Strategic Card Battler Worth Exploring? Epic Cards Battle 3 (ECB3), the latest installment from momoStorm Entertainment, plunges players into a strategic fantasy card game world. This collectible card game (CCG) boasts a diverse range of gameplay modes, including PVP, PVE, RP
Dec 19,2024
Capcom或将《Marvel vs. Capcom 2》原创角色带回格斗游戏舞台! Capcom制作人松本修平暗示,《Marvel vs. Capcom 2》中备受喜爱的原创角色或将回归。在2024年EVO格斗游戏大赛上,他发表了这番言论,为这些角色的回归开启了一扇希望之窗。 Capcom制作人暗示《Marvel vs. Capcom 2》原创角色可能回归 回归并非不可能,Capcom仍在探索 松本修平表示,原创角色在“新游戏中”回归“始终存在可能性”。 自《Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite》之后,Capcom的这款跨界格斗游戏系列就再无新作问世。然而,由松本修平制作
Dec 19,2024
The acclaimed action-adventure game, The Pathless, returns to iOS as a standalone release! Previously an Apple Arcade exclusive, this archery-focused exploration game is now available on mobile without a subscription. Explore a vast open world, utilizing mystical powers and precise archery skills t
Dec 19,2024
Grand Theft Auto Online's latest update sparks controversy by restricting remote business income collection to GTA+ subscribers. The Bottom Dollar Bounties update, released June 25th, introduced a bounty hunting business, new missions, and vehicles. However, a convenient new feature—remotely colle
Dec 19,2024
NBA 2K25 MyTEAM现已登陆安卓和iOS平台!收集你最喜爱的NBA球星,打造梦幻阵容! 2K备受期待的NBA 2K25 MyTEAM手游版正式登陆安卓和iOS,让你随时随地管理和参与MyTEAM比赛。这款广受欢迎的掌机游戏移植版,让你在连接PlayStation或Xbox账户的同时,构建、制定策略并扩展你的传奇阵容,流畅的跨平台进度同步功能让你轻松无忧。 在NBA 2K25 MyTEAM中,你可以组建一支由NBA传奇球星和现役巨星组成的队伍,并利用拍卖行随时随地买卖球员。无论是收集新球员还是优化你的阵容,管理你的球队从未如此简单。拍卖行简化了所有操作,让你轻松搜索特定球员或将你自己的
Dec 19,2024