Pokémon GO: Spotlight Hour Unveils Voltorb and Hisuian Variant
Get ready for the next Pokémon GO Spotlight Hour! This Tuesday, January 7th, 2025, from 6 PM to 7 PM local time, Voltorb and Hisuian Voltorb will be featured. This double Spotlight Hour presents a fantastic opportunity to catch both Pokémon and their shiny variants.
Prepare for a Catching Spree:
Stock up on Poké Balls, Berries, and Incense. Catching two Pokémon simultaneously requires ample supplies. Also, ensure you have sufficient storage space to avoid interruptions during the event.
Voltorb (#100):
This Kanto region Electric-type Pokémon (#100 in the Pokédex) evolves into Electrode using 50 candies. Each catch yields 3 candies and 100 Stardust. Voltorb boasts a max CP of 1141, with 109 Attack and 111 Defense.
- Weaknesses: Ground-type attacks (160% damage).
- Resistances: Electric, Flying, and Steel-type attacks (63% damage).
- Optimal Moveset: Spark (Electric) and Discharge (Electric) for 5.81 DPS and 40.62 TDO. Rainy weather boosts its attack.
- Shiny Variant: A blue-colored Shiny Voltorb exists.
Hisuian Voltorb (#100):
Also #100 in the Pokédex, this Hisuian variant shares Voltorb's evolution line and rewards (3 candies and 100 Stardust per catch). It also has a max CP of 1141, with 111 Defense and 109 Attack.
- Weaknesses: Bug, Fire, Ice, and Poison-type attacks (160% damage).
- Resistances: Grass, Steel, and Water-type attacks (63% damage); Electric-type attacks (39% damage).
- Optimal Moveset: Tackle (Normal) and Thunderbolt (Electric) for 5.39 DPS and 37.60 TDO. Partly Cloudy and Rainy weather enhance its damage output.
- Shiny Variant: A black-bodied Shiny Hisuian Voltorb awaits discovery.
Don't miss this double chance to add these powerful Pokémon and their shiny forms to your collection!