Take control of your finances with the all-new Genie App. With a range of financial services at your fingertips, you can manage your money better every day. Make contactless payments using LANKAQR, save for the things that matter, and get a Mastercard that you control. Set goals, invest in stocks and mutual funds, and pay your bills easily. Need a new phone? With Lesi Pay Device Loans, you can get the latest mobile devices on convenient monthly installment schemes. Plus, enjoy instant credit with Lesi Credit and access eZ cash anytime, anywhere. Download Genie App now for a smarter way to manage your money.
Features of the App/Game:
- Contactless Payments: Make fast and secure payments using LANKAQR at any merchant, both in-store and online.
- Savings Account: Open a digital savings account with Dialog Finance and manage your money digitally.
- Control Your Card: Take control of your Mastercard's security by freezing it, setting spending limits, and more.
- Goal-Based Savings Account: Create a dedicated savings account to achieve your goals faster.
- Digital Fixed Deposits: Easily place fixed deposits and monitor your interest earnings and maturity information.
- Stock Trading and Mutual Funds: Invest in stocks and mutual funds, manage your portfolio, and grow your wealth.
Download the Genie App and take control of your finances like never before. With the ability to make contactless payments, open a digital savings account, and manage your Mastercard's security, managing your money has never been easier. Reach your financial goals faster with a goal-based savings account and invest in stocks and mutual funds to grow your wealth. With additional features like digital fixed deposits and the convenience of bill payments, Genie provides a comprehensive and secure solution for all your financial needs. Don't miss out on the opportunity to manage your money smarter and download Genie today!