Read the full Quran with Hausa translation using this app. This digital Quran app provides access to all 114 Surahs (or 30 Juz) and a complete Hausa translation, all without restrictions. Enjoy offline reading, searching, and exploration with a user-friendly interface.
All Features are Free and Unrestricted
- Attractive design with swipe functionality for easy navigation between Surahs.
- Read the Quran with or without translation and transliteration.
- Light and dark themes available.
- Surah Index (list of Surahs).
- Juz Index (list of Juz).
- Rasm script (IndoPak and Usmani styles).
- Latin script (Transliteration).
- Hausa translation by Abubakar Mahmoud Gumi.
- Copy, share, and bookmark verses.
- Last reading bookmark feature.
- Customizable color themes and font sizes.
- Hausa Quran search functionality using keywords within the Hausa translation.
- Offline functionality (read the Quran offline).
Hausa Language Description:
Aikace-aikacen Al-Qur'ani Mai Girma tare da fassara harshen Hausa domin karanta cikakken Al-Qur'ani (surori 114 ko juz 30) da fassarar Al-Qur'an Hausa ba tare da iyaka ba. Ana iya karantawa, bincika, da nema a layi da kuma layi ba tare da matsala ba, tare da kyakkyawan tsari mai sauƙin amfani.
Duk Fasalolin Kyauta Ba Tare da Ƙuntatawa ba
- Zane mai jan hankali, zamewar allo don motsa surah ko surori.
- Karanta Alqur'ani tare da ko ba tare da tafsiri ko rubutun Latin ba.
- Jigogi masu haske da duhu suna samuwa.
- Fihirisar Sura (Jerin Sura).
- Fihirisar Juz (Jerin Juz).
- Rubutun Rasm (IndoPak da salon Usmani).
- Rubutun Latin (Fassarar).
- Fassarar Quran Hausa Daga Abubakar Mahmoud Gumi.
- Kwafi, raba, da kuma alamar ayoyin.
- Alama ta ƙarshe da aka karanta.
- Zaɓuɓɓukan jigon launi da girman rubutu.
- Nemo a cikin Al-Qur'ani na Hausa ta amfani da kalmomi masu mahimmanci a cikin fassarar Hausa.
- Aiki a layi (karanta Alqur'ani a layi).
What's New in Version 1.0.4
Last updated November 13, 2024
Minor bug fixes and improvements. Download the latest version for the best experience!